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This function prepares site and visit occupancy data to fit an occupancy model from ABAP data. It has two parts: the first part downloads ABAP data and annotates them with covariates from Google Earth Engine using the functions prepGEESiteData and prepGEEVisitData, the second part uses the function createOccuData to format the data.


  force_gee_dwld = FALSE,
  force_site_visit = FALSE,
  force_abap_dwld = FALSE,
  monitor_gee = TRUE



A list with pipeline configuration parameters. See configPipeline


SAFRING code of the species to run the pipeline for


Whether covariates from Google Earth Engine should be downloaded, even if a file with covariates is already present on disk. Defaults to FALSE.


Whether site and visit data should be prepared even if visit and site data files are already on disk. Defaults to FALSE


Indicates whether ABAP data must be downloaded for the species and years indicated by 'sp_code' and 'years'. If TRUE, data will be downloaded from ABAP once per session and cached in a temp file. After this the cached file will be used, unless download is set to FALSE, in which case data will be downloaded regardless of the cached file.


if TRUE (default) periodic messages of the state of the downloads from GEE will be printed on screen.


The first part of the function creates two data frames (in .csv format) that will be saved to disk: GEE annotated ABAP site data and GEE annotated ABAP visit data. The second part of the functions creates three data frames that will be saved to disk: site, visit and species detection data frames, all in .csv format.