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The species abundance module (ABU) of the BIRDIE pipeline has four main steps: data preparation, model fitting, model diagnostics and model summary. See the BIRDIE: basics and BIRDIE: species abundance vignettes for general details about BIRDIE and about the ABU module, respectively. In this vignette, we will go through the different tasks that are performed during the first step of the ABU module: data preparation.

The main function used for data preparation is ppl_create_data_ssm(). This is a ppl_ function, and therefore it doesn’t do much processing itself (see BIRDIE: basics if this is confusing), but it does call the right functions to do the work.

Data preparation has three main tasks:

  • Download CWAC data and subset sites suitable for modelling
  • Complete the dataset by adding missing counts (with NA)
  • Annotate count data with environmental covariates
  • Format data for state-space modelling

By just running ppl_create_data_ssm() all of the tasks will be performed and our data will be prepared. However, to understand what goes on “under the hood”, we will explain each of these tasks, and how they are conducted, below.

Note that data preparation can be time-consuming and it is more efficient to prepare data for multiple years at once. We are currently fitting 20 years of data at a time, and so that is the number of years that will be prepared by ppl_create_data_ssm(). The number of years prepared is given by the dur argument of the configPipeline() function.

Download CWAC data and subset sites

There is a first section in the ppl_create_ssm_data() function that run when we tell the function to subset sites or to complete the dataset with missing counts. In this section we will download CWAC data using the function CWAC::getCwacSppCounts() from the CWAC R package. We then proceed to include any data that we have and are not on the CWAC data base. At the moment of writing we have data from DuToit’s pan contributed by Doug Harebottle. These data is formatted and incorporated to the data downloaded from CWAC. If we had any other data we wanted to include we would need to modify this part of the ppl_create_data_ssm() function code.

Once all of the data is combined we subset those sites that have been counted at least five times during summer and five times during winter between the years 1993 and 2021. Those species that don’t meet the requirements should be analysed differently, although we still don’t have an alternative model for them. During model diagnosis there is another filter where model outputs with too large of a difference between the estimates and the upper limit of the credible intervals are also discarded (see BIRDIE ABU: Model diagnostics).

Adding missing counts

When data comes out of the CWAC database there is no reference to missing counts, meaning that if in any year nobody went to count a certain wetland during a certain season this data point would just be absent from the data set. What we would like instead is a record for that season and year with a missing (NA) count. This is convenient for multiple reasons, but perhaps the most important one is that JAGS will automatically treat these missing data points as parameters that need to be estimated. We give missing summer counts a date that corresponds to the first day of January (perhaps we should reconsider this, because summer counts only start on the 15th of January) and to winter counts we assign the first of July.

Annotate with environmental covariates

Although we are not currently using covariates in our modelling, we may use environmental covariates to model abundance, which requires count data to be annotated with this information. To facilitate the automation of this process and periodic updates when new data becomes available, we use the data sets and functionality offered by Google Earth Engine (GEE).

The functionality to connect and transfer data to/from GEE is provided by the ABDtools R package. This package basically wraps functions from rgee; another package on which it depends heavily. Therefore, it is a requirement to have rgee properly installed and configured to be able to perform data-annotation tasks. Check the GitHub repos for rgee and ABDtools.

Once these two packages are installed and configured, we can use their functionality in the pipeline. In BIRDIE we use the function prepGEECatchmData() to annotate CWAC data. See ?prepGEECatchmData() for details. The function makes reference to “catchment” because at the moment this function is prepared to use the quinary catchment CWAC sites are located at as a reference area for the covariates. So rather than extracting environmental information from some specific point location, we extract all pixels contained in the quinary catchment and we take the average value of the covariate across those pixels.

Annotating with different variables using GEE requires different procedures. Therefore, there is no way to flexibly communicate to these functions which variables we want to annotate our data with. Instead, we have hard-coded the variables we are using for the BIRDIE pipeline. If we wanted to change the variables we use, then we would have to modify the prepGEECatchmData() function. This is not ideal, but it is how it is set up currently.

One important thing to keep in mind is that we consider that waterbird summer populations should be affected by the environmental conditions of the previous year, rather than on the same year. This is because summer occur in January and therefore the average conditions on the previous year are likely to affect summer populations more directly than those on the same year, which have still not presented themselves at the time of counting.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that some environmental layers used don’t have information past a certain date. We have set up the functions in such a way that data past the last date of the layer get annotated with the latest available information (last date of the layer). Whenever the pipeline is run it is advised to review the environmental layer used and the last date information is available for, and update the functions if necessary.

Format data for state-space modelling

In a final step we prepare the data for modelling. We will not format it to fit into any specific package yet. Here we create certain variables that are useful such as ids for site, year and visit.

Very importantly, here there is a choice to make in terms of what to do when seasonal counts are duplicated. For now, we keep all counts that are labelled as summer or winter counts in the CWAC data and consider them to be replicates.