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The species abundance module (ABU) of the BIRDIE pipeline has four main steps: data preparation, model fitting, model diagnostics and model summary. See the BIRDIE: basics and BIRDIE: species abundance vignettes for general details about BIRDIE and about the DST module, respectively. In this vignette, we will go through the different tasks that are performed during the step of the DST module: model diagnostics.

The main function used for model diagnosis is ppl_diagnose_ssm(). This is a ppl_ function, and therefore it doesn’t do much processing itself (see BIRDIE: basics if this is confusing), but it does call the right functions to do the work.

During the diagnostics step we look at two indicators: the Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic (R̂\hat{R}) and a goodness-of-fit Bayesian p-value. The first diagnostic is computed by the function diagnoseRhatJagsSsm() and the second one by the function diagnoseGofJagsSsm() (both functions are found in R/utils-jags.R).

ppl_diagnose_ssm() combines the output of these two functions into a single table that is stored in analysis/output/sp_code/abu_diagnostics_spOccupancy_YYYY_sp_code.csv, where YYYY is the year of the data we are fitting a model to and sp_code is the species code. In this way, it is easy to extract all diagnostic files from the different directories, combine them into a table and quickly explore potential issues.

Diagnosing convergence

The function diagnoseRhatJagsSsm() extracts R̂\hat{R} values computed by JAGS for each of the estimated parameters and tabulates them. In this table, each parameter appears in one column and gets a 0 if |1R̂|<0.1|1 - \hat{R}| < 0.1 and a 1 otherwise. Some extra columns are added, such as number of non-convergent parameters, number of detections observed, number of observations, etc.

Diagnosing goodness-of-fit

The function diagnoseGofJagsSsm() conducts posterior predictive checks (PPC) and calculates a Bayesian p-value.

The procedure consists of simulating a number of count data sets from the posterior distribution and comparing them with the observed data.

We calculate the mean and standard deviation for each of the simulated data sets. Then, we calculate the number of data sets that are below and above the mean observed in the data (“Tmean”). If we obtain proportions close to 0.5 it means that our predictions are unbiased. We follow a similar procedure with the standard deviations (“Tsd”) to see if our predictions have a similar dispersion as that observed in the data. Finally, for each simulation we calculate the mean difference observed with the data (“Tdiff”), which should give us an idea of the magnitude of the bias, should it exist.

Diagnosing uncertainty

Streamlined analyses can be difficult to stabilize for all species and sites. Sometimes state estimate uncertainty can grow quickly, particularly in long periods with missing data at the beginning and end of the time series. We are particularly concerned with uncertainty exploding towards recent years, because this can impact managers and decision makers. Therefore, we test whether the upper limit of the confidence band estimated for the last 10 years ever gets higher than 50 times the highest estimate for that period, at any site for any species. If this is the case we exclude estimates and uncertainty bands for those sites and species combinations. We still present counts.

The function ppl_diagnose_ssm() identifies for each species what sites present large uncertainty at the end of the time series and stores them in the diagnostics file. This information will then be used by the summary function to exclude the corresponding estimates.

Shiny apps

We have developed a Shiny app that allows us to extract diagnostics for any species and year and explore them in an interactive way. The app is still experimental and can be found at analysis/tools/diagnose_dabu