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The species distributions module (DST) of the BIRDIE pipeline has four main steps: data preparation, model fitting, model diagnostics and model summary. See the BIRDIE: basics and BIRDIE: species distributions vignettes for general details about BIRDIE and about the DST module, respectively. In this vignette, we will go through the different tasks that are performed during the step of the DST module: model fitting.

The main function used for model fitting is ppl_fit_occu_model(). This is a ppl_ function, and therefore it doesn’t do much processing itself (see BIRDIE: basics if this is confusing), but it does call the right functions to do the work. The output of ppl_fit_occu_model() is always a model fit but it will change depending on the package we have selected in the configPipeline() function. Currently, there are two options spOccupancy (preferred) and occuR (not maintained, so probably not working).

In the following section, we explain the process of fitting a model using spOccupancy.

Fitting a model using the spOccupancy package

The main function used for fitting occupancy models using the spOccupancy package is fitSpOccu(), which is found in the R/utils-spOccupancy.R file.

The spOccupancy package gives us the option to fit single season and multi-season occupancy models. We are currently only fitting single season models, because there are quite a lot of data in a single season and therefore multi-season models would demand large amounts of computing resources. Although we could think of setting up analyses on a high-performance computing facility, we would like to keep hardware requirements at reasonable levels for any institution to be able to run the pipeline. In addition, we plan to update the pipeline yearly and therefore it seems reasonable to run single season models with the new data.

We also have the option to run models with or without spatial random effects. We are currently running models without spatial effects. We are using around 10 environmental covariates in our models and our diagnostics indicate that are not necessary. The pipeline could accommodate spatial models and the code structure is there to implement them. However, it would require some work to finalise the code.

The fitSpOccu() function with some helpers (also found in R/utils-spOccupancy.R) performs several tasks:

  1. Format the site and visit data to fit in the spOccupancy package. The function prepSpOccuData_single() does this at the moment, because we are running single-season models. There is an homologous prepSpOccuData_multi() for multi-season models, but it probably needs some edits to work. These functions are basically wrappers around ABAP::abapToSpOcc_single() and ABAP::abapToSpOcc_multi().

  2. Define priors and initial values. For species we don’t have any models fit, we use the default priors from spOccupancy (see ?spOccupancy::PGOcc for details). However, if we have model fits for previous years, we center the priors in the previous parameter estimate (if it exists - we might have fitted a different model - more of this later) and use the standard deviation of the estimate plus one, unless it is larger than the spOccupancy default (~ sqrt(2.5)), in which case we use the latter. An important function to this is defineSpOccuPriors() (in R/utils-spOccupancy.R).

  3. Run the model. We fit the model using spOccupancy::PGOcc() since we are not currently using spatial effects. If we did, then we would use spOccupancy::spPGOcc(). Finally, we add information about priors and covariate scales to the model fit to be used in other operations later.

Different models for different species and years

It might be the case that the first model we try does not converge or does not fit the data well (see vignette about diagnostics). At the moment of writing we have defined two models: one with random effects for observer, and one with random effects for observers and sites on detection probabilities. The idea is, we first try the simplest model and if there are issues we gradually increase complexity. These two models work fine for now, but in the future we might want to implement others.

The procedure to run multiple models at the moment manual. We define the models we want to try in the control script (see the BIRDIE: species distributions vignette), we run the pipeline for all species in a given year with the first model, then we run diagnostics, select problem species, then run the pipeline for those problem species with the second model. This process can surely be automated, but the functionality still needs to be developed.