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This function takes generic occupancy site data and, optionally, visit data without species observations, adds detection data for a species in a given year, runs some checks and formats the output.


createOccuData(config, sp_code, years, site_data, visit_data = NULL)



A list of configuration parameters see configPipeline


SAFRING_No of the species of interest as extracted from ABAP. Ignored if download set to FALSE.


A numeric vector with elements corresponding to the years we want data for. Ignored if download set to FALSE.


A dataframe with occupancy site data.


Optional. A dataframe with occupancy visit data.


A list containing two data frames: one with site data and one with visit data, if visit data is provided. The second element will be NULL if visit data not provided. Note that if visit_data is provided then all the sites without visits will be removed - i.e., both site and visit data frames will have the same set of sites.