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Prepare Google Earth Engine visit data


prepGEEVisitData(config, visits, asset_id, upload_asset = TRUE, monitor = TRUE)



A list with pipeline configuration parameters. See configPipeline


An sf spatial object with the visit data that we want to annotate with environmental covariates. Note that we need these data to be in a spatial format, so we should probably join them with pentad data. See getRegionPentads


Character string with the name given to the object created in Google Earth Engine (asset) that contains the sites in visits.


If TRUE (default), the object visits will be uploaded to Google Earth Engine and an asset under the name of asset_id will be created. If FALSE, it will be assumed that an asset named after asset_id is already present in GEE and visits will not be uploaded.


Logical. If TRUE (default) monitoring printed messages produced by rgee will displayed. If FALSE, only high-level messages will be displayed.


Note that some GEE layers don't have information past a certain date. At the time of writing surface water layers only have information up until 2021 and human population density up until 2020. We have set up the code in such a way that visits past the last date of the layer get annotated with the latest available information. Take this into consideration for the analyses. Code should be updated as more information becomes available.