BIRDIE's waterbird masterlist
A dataset containing information about all of the waterbird species analysed by the BIRDIE pipeline
A data frame with 147 rows and 19 variables:
- Assess_for_AEWA
Assessment for AEWA?
- Common_group
Taxonomic group.
- Common_name
Common name of the species.
- Common_species
Taxonomic species.
- Family
Taxnomic family.
- Feeding_guild
Feeding guild information.
- Feeding_guild_alt
Alternative feeding guild information.
- Foraging_habitat_guild
Foraging habitat guild information.
- Foraging_habitat_guild_detail
Detailed foraging habitat guild information.
- Genus
Taxonomic genus.
- Key_habitat_indicator
Key habitat indicator.
- Migrant_type
Migrant type.
- Order
Taxonomic order.
- Recorded_Barberspan
Recorded Barberspan?
- Species
Species information.
- Species_group_guild
Species group guild information.
- SppRef
Species reference code.
- Status
Status information.
- WetlandIntCode
Wetlands International code.