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This function prepares a data frame with the observed response and the corresponding estimates obtained from a Bayesian state-space model fitted with JAGS


postPredDistJagsSsm(fit, data, obs_error = TRUE, nsamples)



A state-space model fitted with JAGS


The data used to fit the model fit. This must be counts from CWAC data. See ppl_fit_ssm_model


Logical. Indicates whether observation error should be included in the posterior simulations. Defaults to TRUE.


Number of posterior samples that should be used to build the data frame. Defaults to 500.


A data frame with the observed response and the corresponding estimates obtained from a Bayesian state-space model fitted with JAGS. The variable obs_sim correspond contains the real and simulated data. The variable iter identifies the iteration each observation corresponds to, and those observation with iter = 0 and/or obs = 1 correspond to observed data.