Plot state series of a JAGS state-space model with two seasons
Plot state series of a JAGS state-space model with two seasons
linear = TRUE,
plot_options = list(colors = NULL, pers_theme = NULL)
- fit
A JAGS state-space model fitted to CWAC data
- ssm_counts
A data frame with the count data use to fit the state-space model
- linear
If TRUE (default) abundance estimates and data are transformed back to its original scale.
- plot_options
A list with two elements: colors - the colours of the points that will appear in the plot (two values), and pers_theme - A personalized ggplot theme.
A list with two elements: i) plot: a plot with summer and winter fitted states, as well as the long-term trend, ii) data: the data used to create the individual plots. This is useful for extracting the data used by ggplot to render the plots (e.g. for exporting to the dashboard)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
counts <- barberspan
ssmcounts <- prepSsmData(counts, species = NULL)
fit <- fitCwacSsm(ssmcounts, mod_file = "mymodel.jags",
param = c("beta", "lambda", "sig.zeta",
"sig.w", "sig.eps", "sig.alpha", "sig.e", "mu_t", "mu_wt"))
plotSsm2ss(fit = fit, ssm_counts = ssmcounts)
} # }