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This function comes largely from the ppcOcc.R from the spOccupancy package


diagnoseGofSpOccu(object, post_sims, fit_stat = "chi-squared", group = 1)



an spOccupancy fit


A list of posterior simulations obtained with simDetSpOccu().


Goodness of fit statistic to compute. Currently only Chi-squared is supported.


Whether the GOF statistic should be computed for sites (1) or for visits (2). Currently, only grouping by site is supported


A list GOF statistics computed for observed data and for simulated data. One statistic for is computed for each MCMC iteration. The function will create a list with several objects. The most important are:

  • fit.y: For each MCMC sample, chi-squared statistic for total number of detections for all sites in data wrt expected model expectation

  • fit.y.rep: For each MCMC sample, chi-squared statistic for total number of detections for all sites in simulated data wrt expected model expectation

  • For each site, chi-squared statistic for total number of detections in data wrt expected model expectation (posterior distribution quantiles)

  • For each site, chi-squared statistic for total number of detections in simulated data wrt expected model expectation (posterior distribution quantiles)

  • Data frame with number of detections per site obtained from data simulated from the posterior distribution. Also the observed number of detections in the data.