Combine species occupancy diagnostics into a single object
The datapipeline produces one occupancy diagnostic file for each species and year. This function reads diagnostics files and combines them into a single object
- config
A list with pipeline configuration parameters. See
.- sp_codes
SAFRING reference numbers of the species we want diagnostics for.
- year
The year for which diagnostics are required.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
config <- configPipeline(year = 2010,
dur = 3,
occ_mod = c("log_dist_coast", "elev", "log_hum.km2", "wetcon",
"watrec", "watext", "log_watext", "watext:watrec",
"ndvi", "prcp", "tdiff"),
det_mod = c("(1|obs_id)", "log_hours", "prcp", "tdiff", "cwac"),
fixed_vars = c("Pentad", "lon", "lat", "watocc_ever", "wetext_2018","wetcon_2018",
"dist_coast", "elev"),
package = "spOccupancy",
data_dir = "analysis/hpc/imports",
out_dir = "analysis/hpc/imports",
server = TRUE)
sp_codes <- config$species
combineOccuDiags(config, sp_codes, 2008)
} # }